Allen got his first turkey of the season on Tuesday- a 16 pound jake. He was very excited and proud as was Evan and the neighbors- David and Austin. I don't share Allen's enthusiasm for hunting. I don't get it - that doesn't mean I don't want to see it done. My husband has a great love and appreciation for the land. He respects nature and does what he does because he loves animals. I eat meat. I like meat. I don't like what I read about the state of meat and meat production in the US. It is disgusting what can happen to animals in our current food chain. I believe maybe hunting can supplement our corn-fed meat consumption which in turn lowers our carbon footprint.
I must admit it was very satisfying to gather the herbs for Allen'a wild turkey breast (he gave most of the bird to some very appreciative neighbors). I used rosemary, thyme and some of my multiplier onions. The meat was very tasty and the kids loved it.
All of the veggies the Friday Farmhands helped plant about 2 weeks ago are sprouting. I also have asparagus sprouting - I will not be able to harvest it this year, it is a perennial crop and takes a few years to get established.
This week Allen picked up my 50 blueberry starts from Helen. I am going to pot them this weekend and plant them in the ground next spring. I am going to plant a cover crop this year so they will have a good start next spring.
You could call this year,for me anyway , The Year of the Soil. Cover crops, green manure, biomass these are my words- my mantra if you will. I will be reading, planting, researching and composting these words. I will try to keep posted my mistakes and successes- in spite of my dial-up capabilities.
I am loving reading your blog, Claudia! I especially love the picture of Jared in your sun hat. An all-time best!
What beautiful photos of Allen and Evan-seemed very reverent of the bird.
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