Let me start by saying it was a long week. It all started on Sunday March 1 with snow and lots of it at least 3-5 inches of the white stuff. It was beautiful and the kids thought it was just magical. The power went off at about 6pm, but it was worth it to have a good snow. We made snow cream and hot chocolate, we had snowball fights, we had to pull Rusty's truck out of the snow/mud, Allen and Evan got real muddy riding 4-wheelers with the neighbors, we made snow forts, Jared made lots of yellow snow and we all laughed alot. The power finally came back on Monday night just in time for a warm bath, a hot meal and some screen time before bed.
On Tuesday I went to the library and Kroger with the boys. This was a mistake and I will leave it at that.
On Wednesday we had playgroup at the park and Logan spent the night at his friend Jesse's. Logan had been looking forward to this since the last time he spent the night there. My mom called me after we got home to let me know my Uncle Lamar had passed away. He had been battling liver disease for years. He was married to my Mom's oldest sister, Carrie, for 47 years.
On Thursday we just hung out at home. Allen got home early so he could see Logan at his last gymnastics practice. We drove separately so I could go shopping after gymnastics. I needed a light sweater to wear over my dress for my Uncle's funeral and some shoes. I didn't find any shoes and my poor feet did suffer a little but, I did find a cute white sweater that went with my spring dress.
On Friday I dusted, mopped and cleared clutter, I also took my kids out shopping for the pig feast. The shopping trip was not as bad as Tuesdays. That night was the viewing for my Uncle, it was also the night Allen planned on killing the pig we had been feeding for a few weeks. The pig was a wild pig, she was I think about 8 months old. The man that gave it to Allen had raised it since it was piglet. Allen was not home from work when I left for the viewing so the boys went to my neighbor, Keisha's. I got home from the viewing around 8:30pm and went by Keisha's to pick up the boys. Keisha and her boys came to the house with us, her husband David was here to help Allen and Tommy with the pig processing. The pig was going to cook all night outside over a fire. Allen and I retired about 2am with the alarm set for 4am. Allen got up at 4,6 and finally at about 8.
Saturday was non-stop all day. I made cole slaw and helped get set up for the day. Allen, Tommy and David were making brunswick stew. The funeral was at 2pm. I met my Mom, my brother Ellis and my Mom's husband Jeff at the church. My Uncle owned the tractor shop in Mansfield and had lived in this small community all his life. The night before at the viewing there had been over 800 people who signed the guest book. It took 2 trucks to move the flowers from the funeral home to the grave site. My uncles coffin was taken by tractor to the grave. After the service we went back to my Aunts house. My Mom didn't come to the pig feast, she has had pneumonia and the flu, she also gets fever blisters from fresh pork. The feast was already under way when I got home. Everybody was raving about the brunswick stew I couldn't bring myself to try it until Sunday. We were up again until about 2am, even Jared didn't give it up until about 1am.
Sunday was a good lazy day. We cleaned up the yard but the house will wait. The boys and our neighbor friends Star and Christian played outside in the pond while I planted 10 pounds of Red pontiac potatoes which I guess isn't that lazy but digging in the earth is my idea of relaxation. I have a lot of planting to do this week and a lot of cleaning, I'm looking forward to every minute of it.
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