This is a Jackson Wonder Butter bean. I have high hopes for this bean. Jared and I planted them on 5/30. We have 3 rows about 10-12' in length. One of the dogs dug a hole in one of the rows. He or she buried an old animal hide Allen had finally pulled off the shed. It was a raccoon he had killed when we first moved out here, it had eaten a chicken or two, we haven't had a raccoon disturbance since.
A view of my koi pond. I love this pond it brings me such peace- that is when the sun isn't blazing above. I have dreams of some sort of trellis or what's that word? is it arborvitae, no I believe its pergola. I have been thinking recently that what I really need is a big market umbrella. My birthday is soon- hint, hint, wink, wink.
Yes I know it's not that much to look at but it makes up for that in its smell. I LOVE Gardenia. Its smell is intoxicating and just about perfect.
This lovely flower is okra in my humble opinion it is the most beautiful vegetable flower. I think it belongs to the hibiscus family of flowers. Okra is one of Allen and Logan's favorite veggies. I know in our climate it is prolific and if you can keep up with it will produce all hot summer long.
I know its just a day lily common everywhere, but I still love it. Its so hardy the dogs and kids just can't kill it. It is almost effortless to grow. It never needs water or fertilizer just some dividing and passing every few years.
This is a new addition from last fall. I can't remember the name but it might be hyssop. It has a wonderful licorice smell that really opens the nasal passages. It's hard to tell from the pic but it also has some pretty cute little orange flowers.
These are my water lilies. My hot water lilies- need I say more.
The bee balm has been outstanding this year. It has grown over 7ft. tall. I am not sure why or where this majestic flower got it's name but I have a feeling its because I have seen the bees just sleeping under the pink blooms. They are in an almost catatonic state, they do not try and fly away when I reach out and stroke them on there backs. You wonder what kind of power the flowers have over these amazing little creatures. Are they drunk with nectar?
This is a volunteer zinnia. I love that name- volunteer -its like the flower choose my yard to grace with its presence. I also love zinnia- its such a great and super easy flower to grow from seed. I like to see them all over my yard.